1 August 2024

Insight Report 2023: Implementing Quality Tourism in the Development of National Tourism Destinations

Tourism is one of the pillars of Indonesia’s future that we must achieve together to support strong, sustainable, and inclusive national economic growth. This insight report book is an important record that illustrates the progress of implementing quality tourism in Indonesia, especially in the five super-priority tourism destinations (DPSP).

This book outlines several thoughts and concrete actions in accelerating the implementation of quality tourism in the DPSP, including the policy priorities that need to be pursued in the future. As a progressive step, there are at least five policy priorities to enhance the competitiveness of national tourism. First, it includes supporting infrastructure for accessibility and amenities, including digital infrastructure. Second, strengthening the branding of each DPSP accompanied by increasing human resource capacity. Third, enhancing sustainability aspects to ensure the preservation of nature and culture, also promoting eco-friendly facilities and services. Fourth, facilitating investment to develop internationally standard tourism services. Lastly, facilitating the organization of major MICE events in the DPSP to stimulate tourism activities and promote them to the world. These five policy priorities need to become a joint work agenda between central and regional governments to accelerate the development of quality tourism.

Writer: Handri Adiwilaga, Umran Usman, Ramadhani Pratama Guna, Putri Faradina Iskandar, Dwi Febby Multiretno, Ireina Puspa Rastania, Adek Septia Elfira (Bank Indonesia); Istasius Angger Anindito, Muhammad Abdurachman Rafi, M. Fikri Masteriarsa, Vania Dara Salsabila (Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas); Ambar Puji Cahyaningsih, Amelia Puspa Dewi (Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi); Mulyanto YS, Ainnoun Kornita, Masfuhurrizqi Iman, Wida Rosyidah Diyana, M. Ilham Ramadhan (Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Baparekraf)

Source: https://www.bi.go.id/id/bi-institute/publikasi/Pages/Insight-Report-2023-Penerapan-Quality-Tourism-dalam-Pengembangan-Destinasi-Pariwisata-Nasional.aspx

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